Lia Wei and Rupert Griffiths



Lia Wei is an art historian and archaeologist, focusing on epigraphy and rock-cut architecture.

She was brought to academic research through the practice of calligraphy, landscape painting and seal carving in China.
Her last collaboration was ‘Biface Graphy’, with Professor Zhang Qiang, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, a contemporary ink painting project mixing performance and ‘Open Scroll’ installations.

Rupert Griffiths is a cultural geographer whose work focuses upon marginal urban landscapes.

He came to geography through a background in architecture and as a practicing artist, creating trajectories between built form, materiality, landscape and identity.

His last collaborative project was HotelGeopolitics with Dr Sara Fregonese, University of Birmingham

and as co-organiser of Uncanny Landscapes, a series of conferences, workshops and exhibition with James Thurgill, Royal Holloway University of London.

SITE_SEAL_GESTURE is our contribution to Public Archaeology 2015.

Through SITE_SEAL_GESTURE, we construct trajectories between our many journeys to the forts, bunkers and sounds mirrors in and around London:

SITE Agents host guest
Projectiles outgoing incoming
Landscape ruins river/sea/sky
SEAL Contract (tally) Party 1 Party 2
Inscription matrix print
Object mountain paper
GESTURE Duo Lia Rupert
Method fieldwork trajectories
Outcome Publicarchaeology2015


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